Technical consulting | Assemblies and repairs | Heat treatment
We offer the following services within technical consulting:
- elaboration and preparation of technical documentation concerning pressure equipment and steel strucutres,
- preparation of companies and documentation to receive certain authorisations, like UDT, SLV, TUV, TDT, ISO,
- steel structures & pressure equipment commission acc. to currently binding Polish and European regulations (standards: PN, PN-EN, regulations: UDT, TUV, Directives),
- technical expertise/analyses,
- technical and quality audits of companies,
- complete technical supervision (from documentation compilation till equipment commimssion).
We are experienced in:
- Designing pressure equipment, like tanks, pipings, etc. (along with certifying institute approval),
- Preparation of complete technical and commission documentation for steel structures execution (halls, bridges, steel stacks, ducts, dampers, etc.)
- Preparation of welding technology and execution of so-called Welding Procedure Approval Record (WPAR),
- Commission of different kind of equipment (like tanks, pipings, steel structures, cisterns, cranes, valves),
- Welders verification and examination, visual inspection of welds and penetration tests of welded joints (VT-2 and PT-2 acc. to PN EN 473).